Some of my readers are going to be pretty happy campers now! Some of you get charged way too much for the text-messages they are sending to US cellphones. And some of you do not pay anything for data-air time (may be a data flat fee though). Save your money for outgoing text messages! Google is so kind to offer free text-messaging/SMS to US-numbers. Simply direct your browser that is running on your mobile device to
Enter the number of the person you would like to send a text-message to, and make sure you choose the right carrier from the drop-down menu.
Enter your text, hit send, and be surprised how quickly it is delivered!
hmm, okay, so you want to send free text messages worldwide?? Let's assume you pay for every text-message you send. (-text-messages to cellphones in your own country and other countries)
Go to with your phone's browser.
Enter the number, the message and the security code and hit send. Now that was the easy to understand part. However, the recipient has to enable this kind of messaging first! What the service basically does is sending an email instead of a text-message to the recipients phone. Every phone supports this idea. Receiving emails is free for some and expensive for some others.
Everybody can get an email-to-sms address provided by their carrier/network operator.
In my case I had to send a single text-message to 8000. I instantly received a text-message which included my email-to-sms address (
I'm now allowed to receive 100 free email-to-sms messages to my cellphone- each month. (The daily max is 10 messages). So as long as your recipient has enabled this service u can text him for free, either by using gizmosms or your regular email-software. You read it correctly. You don't have to use gizmosms for the same purpose.
Of course that can be the email-application on your phone but also email that u can send with a regular computer.
So what I do is, I establish a WLAN/Wifi connection. I write an email to an address for example and then I send it.
There you have it. International text-messages at absolutely NO COST!
Alright, imagine you are on the go, outside, close to the desert. No Wifi available.
I could connect to the net via GPRS/UMTS which will cost me 0.09€ a minute. If I send my pre-written email within this one minute then the email-to-sms costs me still almost nothing compared to what I have paid regularily. Some international text-messages are between 1.50€-2.00€. So I really saved a lot.
Two notable programs for your S60 phone
oookay, I admit it!
I got my N95 a week AFTER it came out here in Europe. So I started looking for applications around that time but it seems like I missed a few that came out prior to the date I got my phone. One of them is:
I found it on a blog that was written in January '07 by Alec Saunders.
It's a very well written review that goes into detail. He notes three main things about talkplus:
1# Allows you to attach more than one phone line to your mobile phone.There's no need to have multiple SIMs or accounts.
2# Allows you to save money on your phone bill by making every cellular call into a local call.
3# Host conference calls from the handset
Price per month after Trial: $9.99
So it's a bit different from my favorite VoIP s60 software Truphone which I mentioned in my previous post. Remember the free Truphone software allows you to make free calls and send text messages worldwide. (the text messaging feature is still a Beta though) Pure VoIP, additional costs for certain cellphone numbers, depending on the country may apply. Beats skype and similar by far! So, if you also install talkplus you are pretty independent. Alright, the money you save with truphone will go up in smoke with talkplus. Nevertheless, they both seem to be a great team on your s60 handset, although I must say that I didn't have the time yet to fully test talkplus. It mainly aims at business customers of course.
If you did make any experience with talkplus, feel free to post a comment below!
Here is a truphone screenshot for those of you who asked for it:

Something totally different is my other discovery I just made. With this free application you can
enjoy screensavers on any Flash Lite screensaver enabled phone, even if it is not an s60 phone. You can even create your own flash lite screensaver! Although they just started their business, they already have decent screensavers available on their website.
check it out at
Oh and don't act like you didn't know.. the more a flash screensaver is animated the more it is likely to drain your phone's battery!
I got my N95 a week AFTER it came out here in Europe. So I started looking for applications around that time but it seems like I missed a few that came out prior to the date I got my phone. One of them is:
I found it on a blog that was written in January '07 by Alec Saunders.
It's a very well written review that goes into detail. He notes three main things about talkplus:
1# Allows you to attach more than one phone line to your mobile phone.There's no need to have multiple SIMs or accounts.
2# Allows you to save money on your phone bill by making every cellular call into a local call.
3# Host conference calls from the handset
Price per month after Trial: $9.99
So it's a bit different from my favorite VoIP s60 software Truphone which I mentioned in my previous post. Remember the free Truphone software allows you to make free calls and send text messages worldwide. (the text messaging feature is still a Beta though) Pure VoIP, additional costs for certain cellphone numbers, depending on the country may apply. Beats skype and similar by far! So, if you also install talkplus you are pretty independent. Alright, the money you save with truphone will go up in smoke with talkplus. Nevertheless, they both seem to be a great team on your s60 handset, although I must say that I didn't have the time yet to fully test talkplus. It mainly aims at business customers of course.
If you did make any experience with talkplus, feel free to post a comment below!
Here is a truphone screenshot for those of you who asked for it:
Something totally different is my other discovery I just made. With this free application you can
enjoy screensavers on any Flash Lite screensaver enabled phone, even if it is not an s60 phone. You can even create your own flash lite screensaver! Although they just started their business, they already have decent screensavers available on their website.
check it out at
Oh and don't act like you didn't know.. the more a flash screensaver is animated the more it is likely to drain your phone's battery!
Killer-Apps for your N95! A collection of what I installed so far!
my collection of stuff.. oh and please be careful that u dont install too much! java applications use RAM even though they are NOT in use.
Let's start with the theme. I really love this theme by The design is great and there is a huge clock showing as a screensaver. As if that wasn't enough.. the theme changes from a day theme to night theme depending on the real time! A New Yorkish skyline in the background. Nice but it costs $4.99!
IM+ by Shape Services is a great messenger but I didn't want to spend that much money on an IM solution.. EQO does that job for me. It's free to download and use. Calls & Text from Eqo to Eqo are free of course. That includes calls, text-messages and instant messages to MSN, AIM, Yahoo!, Google Talk, ICQ, and Jabber which are free of charge. EQO has a slick design, I love the black and orange!
The only disadvantage is that it is not a native Symbian-Program. It's based on java. Call out is not free. A local call is being made to one of EQO'S Servers that are in your country. So charges apply for this call (14cents in my case). I always have to add these 14 cents to the VOIP calls I am making with EQO.
From Germany (in US-Dollar$):
IMs, Calls & Text from Eqo to Eqo=free!
from Eqo to German landline =1.7Cent/min
from Eqo to German cellphone BRD=16.4Cent/min
SMS from Eqo to German cellphone=11.5Cent
from Eqo to US landline=1.7Cent/min
from Eqo to US cell=1.7Cent/min
SMS from Eqo to US cell=7.5Cent
From the USA ($):
from Eqo to landlines in Germany=2.3Cent/min
from Eqo to German cellphones=22Cent/min
SMS from Eqo to German cellphones=15Cent
from Eqo to US landline=2.3Cent/min
from Eqo to US cell=2.3Cent/min
SMS from Eqo to US cell=10Cent
Make sure you know the difference between GSM and VOIP call when asked..
I really like the new version, that's what I use for all of my VOIP calls. It's the
cheapest I have found on the Internet:
Truphone routes your mobile calls via the internet. That means free mobile calls to other Truphone users & very cheap calls to anyone else.
1. Amazing launch offer - all Truphone customers get FREE mobile calls to landlines in 40 countries (includes USA and Germany of course) around the world until Dec 31st.
2. Great for travelling - Truphone works across the globe and wherever you have access to Wi-Fi/WLAN.
The download of this application is for free.
It will install as a SIP telephone service (yes that's VOIP) and will make a call once you chose to connect with it and picked a contact you want to call. You choose Internet-call of course after you pressed the green button on the contact. The folder for SIP or Internet-Telephones is called SYSTEM !
I really like -Sign up for free, install the app and arrange widget like stuff however
you want! Also a great design and easy to use. Widsets is fun you can also read my blog on your phone via widsets. See the button on the right side? Click that after you have become a member!
You can create a private chat-room which you can use via widsets -that's basically IMing again or free text-messaging when connected to a wireless lan. You can also use twitter and jaiku on there.
More stuff u can use via widsets: Ebay-search, Wikipedia, flickr, and all kinds of news and magazines.
Check out the the screenshot application in the folder of your n95 that says GET or LOAD.
I did all my screenshots with it. Freeware.
Google Maps with your N95 ! Go to with your phone and download the thing. IT's free! I love it ! It supports the build in GPS, I can quickly and easily see where I am and I can do nearby searches and get directions! Very convenient! Satellite view is also available! I definitely recommend this!
Speaking of GPS again, you need a navigation software of course! So far there are only two real good ones you should consider Route 66 and Nokia Maps. I didn't have the nerve for all that cracking and signing.. I just bought the 3 year nokia maps and done! It was already pre-installed anyways. It works great for me, I don't have any special demands, dynamic TMC via radiowaves would be nice to have. So far it took me everywhere without any bigger problems (using it since April 07).
Route 66 might be a bit better, it also has a faster Sat-Fix, but Nokia-Maps already pre-installed and costing not that much to me was more convincing.
I also installed Amazons "Anywhere" and the ebook reader.. just in case I want to order books online or read an ebook while being on the go. Nice to have, easy to use. Both are free.
I do use Lifeblog to upload pics and messages to a blog yes, however I got used to uploading pics to flickr via email. That's quick and simple. (Make sure u get the right address within flickr so that you know where to email your own stuff to)
I also upload videos to youtube every now and then, also by emailing.
I have got a free dictinary installed:
Yep, that is English to English!
Alon MP3 Dictaphone is cool! Record voice as long as you want or as long as there is space. You can also record telephone calls. An mp3 player with an equalizer comes with it. Costs money!
Another Instant Messenger I have installed is the MSN mobile Messenger for S60 devices. Free.
Although I have EQO and I am satisfied with it I wanted to be able to exchange files with one of my msn/windows live buddies. Do ya feel special now, buddy??
Yahoo Go! for mobiles is hot! That's how apps need to be programmed! It works flawless, and it's free. I can check my yahoo email and I can get the latest news, the weather forecast for my area and lots more. You can not do instant messaging with it, but I have that in EQO already, so that's alright with me.
Vimio ! That's a killer app, right there! Streaming TV on your Nokia! Connect to wifi, pick a channel and/or stream quality and watch CNN for example! FOR FREE! Go get that! Now !!!!
It's so easy to use even my grandma could use it! I'm serious! Alright, they need more channels and who really cares about fashion tv !!!
GMAIL for mobiles is nice. If you have a gmail account install that! Free.
F-Secure Antivirus and Firewall in one. Costs A LOT! I'm paranoid and I have seen too many viruses on mobiles with my own eyes. This was one was a must for me without a doubt. Some say you don't need it some say you do, after doing additional research I also say you definitely need this if you have a smartphone. There is other AV software for the n95 available, this is by far the most stable and most power-saving AV with firewall.
what's in my videocenter? the major video news podcasts of course. Like 5 different ones. Some other video-podcasts made it on there too..
I use the barcode scanner that was pre-installed on my device in connection with the Firefox plug-in so that I can easily scan long websites-urls on my computer-screen and have them in my cell within a few seconds, very time saving, comes in handy with the copy and paste function on my n95 as well.
Some of the internet links I have saved in my N95: -the best blog collection ever!!! and yes you can customize it! blogrolls, news, rss,
feeds! yaaayy!! -search, and then stream or download youtube videos!! how cool is that??
the regular youtube portal for mobiles sucks! -similar to mippin I can view my pictures I uploaded to picasa through this website for mobiles is great for all those German readers of my blog.. so many useful links on one page! check it out! OR .de for you google needs on your mobile! streaming web radio! ignore the error message that says your player is not supported.. wait a minute and your selected radio stream will play anyways!
programs I didn't like although the idea was great were: scanR, gcalsync, .. and another one I can't think of right now..
I do have a few games installed. It's a matter of taste of course but I really like Bejeweled!
I haven't seen any game out there with such a great design. Be cautious, it's addictive!
other games I installed are: Tetris, Luxor 2, NBA LIVE 07
Let's start with the theme. I really love this theme by The design is great and there is a huge clock showing as a screensaver. As if that wasn't enough.. the theme changes from a day theme to night theme depending on the real time! A New Yorkish skyline in the background. Nice but it costs $4.99!
IM+ by Shape Services is a great messenger but I didn't want to spend that much money on an IM solution.. EQO does that job for me. It's free to download and use. Calls & Text from Eqo to Eqo are free of course. That includes calls, text-messages and instant messages to MSN, AIM, Yahoo!, Google Talk, ICQ, and Jabber which are free of charge. EQO has a slick design, I love the black and orange!
The only disadvantage is that it is not a native Symbian-Program. It's based on java. Call out is not free. A local call is being made to one of EQO'S Servers that are in your country. So charges apply for this call (14cents in my case). I always have to add these 14 cents to the VOIP calls I am making with EQO.
From Germany (in US-Dollar$):
IMs, Calls & Text from Eqo to Eqo=free!
from Eqo to German landline =1.7Cent/min
from Eqo to German cellphone BRD=16.4Cent/min
SMS from Eqo to German cellphone=11.5Cent
from Eqo to US landline=1.7Cent/min
from Eqo to US cell=1.7Cent/min
SMS from Eqo to US cell=7.5Cent
From the USA ($):
from Eqo to landlines in Germany=2.3Cent/min
from Eqo to German cellphones=22Cent/min
SMS from Eqo to German cellphones=15Cent
from Eqo to US landline=2.3Cent/min
from Eqo to US cell=2.3Cent/min
SMS from Eqo to US cell=10Cent
Make sure you know the difference between GSM and VOIP call when asked..
I really like the new version, that's what I use for all of my VOIP calls. It's the
cheapest I have found on the Internet:
Truphone routes your mobile calls via the internet. That means free mobile calls to other Truphone users & very cheap calls to anyone else.
1. Amazing launch offer - all Truphone customers get FREE mobile calls to landlines in 40 countries (includes USA and Germany of course) around the world until Dec 31st.
2. Great for travelling - Truphone works across the globe and wherever you have access to Wi-Fi/WLAN.
The download of this application is for free.
It will install as a SIP telephone service (yes that's VOIP) and will make a call once you chose to connect with it and picked a contact you want to call. You choose Internet-call of course after you pressed the green button on the contact. The folder for SIP or Internet-Telephones is called SYSTEM !
I really like -Sign up for free, install the app and arrange widget like stuff however
you want! Also a great design and easy to use. Widsets is fun you can also read my blog on your phone via widsets. See the button on the right side? Click that after you have become a member!
You can create a private chat-room which you can use via widsets -that's basically IMing again or free text-messaging when connected to a wireless lan. You can also use twitter and jaiku on there.
More stuff u can use via widsets: Ebay-search, Wikipedia, flickr, and all kinds of news and magazines.
Check out the the screenshot application in the folder of your n95 that says GET or LOAD.
I did all my screenshots with it. Freeware.
Google Maps with your N95 ! Go to with your phone and download the thing. IT's free! I love it ! It supports the build in GPS, I can quickly and easily see where I am and I can do nearby searches and get directions! Very convenient! Satellite view is also available! I definitely recommend this!
Speaking of GPS again, you need a navigation software of course! So far there are only two real good ones you should consider Route 66 and Nokia Maps. I didn't have the nerve for all that cracking and signing.. I just bought the 3 year nokia maps and done! It was already pre-installed anyways. It works great for me, I don't have any special demands, dynamic TMC via radiowaves would be nice to have. So far it took me everywhere without any bigger problems (using it since April 07).
Route 66 might be a bit better, it also has a faster Sat-Fix, but Nokia-Maps already pre-installed and costing not that much to me was more convincing.
I also installed Amazons "Anywhere" and the ebook reader.. just in case I want to order books online or read an ebook while being on the go. Nice to have, easy to use. Both are free.
I do use Lifeblog to upload pics and messages to a blog yes, however I got used to uploading pics to flickr via email. That's quick and simple. (Make sure u get the right address within flickr so that you know where to email your own stuff to)
I also upload videos to youtube every now and then, also by emailing.
I have got a free dictinary installed:
Yep, that is English to English!
Alon MP3 Dictaphone is cool! Record voice as long as you want or as long as there is space. You can also record telephone calls. An mp3 player with an equalizer comes with it. Costs money!
Another Instant Messenger I have installed is the MSN mobile Messenger for S60 devices. Free.
Although I have EQO and I am satisfied with it I wanted to be able to exchange files with one of my msn/windows live buddies. Do ya feel special now, buddy??
Yahoo Go! for mobiles is hot! That's how apps need to be programmed! It works flawless, and it's free. I can check my yahoo email and I can get the latest news, the weather forecast for my area and lots more. You can not do instant messaging with it, but I have that in EQO already, so that's alright with me.
Vimio ! That's a killer app, right there! Streaming TV on your Nokia! Connect to wifi, pick a channel and/or stream quality and watch CNN for example! FOR FREE! Go get that! Now !!!!
It's so easy to use even my grandma could use it! I'm serious! Alright, they need more channels and who really cares about fashion tv !!!
GMAIL for mobiles is nice. If you have a gmail account install that! Free.
F-Secure Antivirus and Firewall in one. Costs A LOT! I'm paranoid and I have seen too many viruses on mobiles with my own eyes. This was one was a must for me without a doubt. Some say you don't need it some say you do, after doing additional research I also say you definitely need this if you have a smartphone. There is other AV software for the n95 available, this is by far the most stable and most power-saving AV with firewall.
what's in my videocenter? the major video news podcasts of course. Like 5 different ones. Some other video-podcasts made it on there too..
I use the barcode scanner that was pre-installed on my device in connection with the Firefox plug-in so that I can easily scan long websites-urls on my computer-screen and have them in my cell within a few seconds, very time saving, comes in handy with the copy and paste function on my n95 as well.
Some of the internet links I have saved in my N95: -the best blog collection ever!!! and yes you can customize it! blogrolls, news, rss,
feeds! yaaayy!! -search, and then stream or download youtube videos!! how cool is that??
the regular youtube portal for mobiles sucks! -similar to mippin I can view my pictures I uploaded to picasa through this website for mobiles is great for all those German readers of my blog.. so many useful links on one page! check it out! OR .de for you google needs on your mobile! streaming web radio! ignore the error message that says your player is not supported.. wait a minute and your selected radio stream will play anyways!
programs I didn't like although the idea was great were: scanR, gcalsync, .. and another one I can't think of right now..
I do have a few games installed. It's a matter of taste of course but I really like Bejeweled!
I haven't seen any game out there with such a great design. Be cautious, it's addictive!
other games I installed are: Tetris, Luxor 2, NBA LIVE 07
GPS - Games !
I must have been living on the dark side of the moon for a while, because I missed it
that there are games for S60 devices out there that can make use of the built in GPS!
That means real life connects with the virtual game! I thought the Wii was the first thing
to make the lazy bums get up and get active, but with this here you can also get out of the house!
I'm still so overwhelmed that I have adjectives like "revolutionary, ground-breaking" in my head right now.
I'd say this is the beginning of a new era of games!
Millions can be made for smart software developers.
If I could develop software for S60 phones trust me I wouldn't write on this blog.
I'd have better things to do lol. Revolutionary adventure games are possible,
may be in connection with the barcode-scanner application.
Or you can get into higher levels with the help of others only.
Only as a group you could lift a heavy ladder for example
so that u can get "higher & further" in terms of your geographical position.
I could go on for hours...
However, a jump and run game is already out there available:
also check
What do you think about this development? Post a comment below!
that there are games for S60 devices out there that can make use of the built in GPS!
That means real life connects with the virtual game! I thought the Wii was the first thing
to make the lazy bums get up and get active, but with this here you can also get out of the house!
I'm still so overwhelmed that I have adjectives like "revolutionary, ground-breaking" in my head right now.
I'd say this is the beginning of a new era of games!
Millions can be made for smart software developers.
If I could develop software for S60 phones trust me I wouldn't write on this blog.
I'd have better things to do lol. Revolutionary adventure games are possible,
may be in connection with the barcode-scanner application.
Or you can get into higher levels with the help of others only.
Only as a group you could lift a heavy ladder for example
so that u can get "higher & further" in terms of your geographical position.
I could go on for hours...
However, a jump and run game is already out there available:
also check
What do you think about this development? Post a comment below!
N95 vs everything!
N95 vs iPhone vs Digital Cameras vs Laptops... and so on and so on .. I am getting tired of this. Why compare something so unique to something common and not that much outstanding? People need to leave my Nokia alone. It's a geek phone! It doesn't want to be compared with just anything that was made for the regular consumer!
However it is, I can understand that some notebooks are pretty jealous:
However it is, I can understand that some notebooks are pretty jealous:
GPS-Tracking if your N95 gets stolen???
I believe that it is technically possible to create a software for S60 phones that does that. Especially after reading all of this here:
25. März 2004 13:24 !! :
Tracking the location via GSM-cell-ID is already possible but it is not that accurate. (Localisation in cities up to 50m close - in rural areas something between 100m and 30.000m.)
Keep in mind - the GPS function in your N95 receives satellite-signals only, it can not send anything to satellites. However, it should be possible to compile a software which starts when the SIM card is being changed. It should then try to get a sat-fix, save the (thief's) current location and send the geo-tags via sms to another phone number or to an email-address. The new and soon to be released firmware (12.0.013) seems to improve the sat-fix and it should be possible to get a sat-fix with the slider closed. With A-GPS enabled you will even get the location indoors if you are close to a window. Thoughts?
25. März 2004 13:24 !! :
Tracking the location via GSM-cell-ID is already possible but it is not that accurate. (Localisation in cities up to 50m close - in rural areas something between 100m and 30.000m.)
Keep in mind - the GPS function in your N95 receives satellite-signals only, it can not send anything to satellites. However, it should be possible to compile a software which starts when the SIM card is being changed. It should then try to get a sat-fix, save the (thief's) current location and send the geo-tags via sms to another phone number or to an email-address. The new and soon to be released firmware (12.0.013) seems to improve the sat-fix and it should be possible to get a sat-fix with the slider closed. With A-GPS enabled you will even get the location indoors if you are close to a window. Thoughts?
You don't want to get your precious N95 stolen, soo
do something beforehand just in case the worst case scenario becomes reality.
There is a lot of anti-theft software for mobiles available. Track the movements of your mobile, using the gsm cell-id localization with this free software: or gain informations about the thief, monitoring his activities like sent and received sms, incoming and outgoing calls, phonebooks contacts added.
"Theft" is also a great software solution:
If stolen a siren goes off. If you call your mobile you will be notified of the new number if the thief changes your SIM. It does a lot more- some things are truly stunning ->€14.99
There is a lot of anti-theft software for mobiles available. Track the movements of your mobile, using the gsm cell-id localization with this free software: or gain informations about the thief, monitoring his activities like sent and received sms, incoming and outgoing calls, phonebooks contacts added.
"Theft" is also a great software solution:
If stolen a siren goes off. If you call your mobile you will be notified of the new number if the thief changes your SIM. It does a lot more- some things are truly stunning ->€14.99
self-made car holder for the N95
this car holder for the n95 was made by using the plastic frame it came with. A simple rubberband is the fixing device here. I glued a thin magnet to the plastic and put the other magnetic counterpart onto a button that doesn't have a function. (I bought the magnetic holder for my old phone - €3.99) I put holes into the plastic for the most used plugs. As you can see the phone doesn't shake or even vibrate. Only my cam movement was a bit shaky. Okay I am cheap.. but this is a working solution until a decent car holder comes out that doesn't cost 50 plus Euros!
here you can see more of how it was done:
here you can see more of how it was done:
self-made tripod for the Nokia n95
okay, I don't want to have a design award for this, but it's working great ! Materials were $3 only ! I was in need of a tripod but couldn't find a fitting one for the N95 in stores. I will change the design of the tripod soon! So far it's a stable, cheap and lightweight solution for me.
Yeah I know - the screw nut looks pretty rusty -lol but it's just brownish.
Yeah I know - the screw nut looks pretty rusty -lol but it's just brownish.
Welcome to my blogspace!
This is all about using products, gadgets all kinds of things in the everyday life. I will share alternative handling, more user-friendly solutions, intereresting thoughts with you. Without further ado -let's get straight into it!
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